We sell on multiple platforms, as well as in-person at events, so our inventory is always fluctuating. On this page you can see most of the herbal and natural products we offer, with a note about availability. If you’d like to place an order, send us an email (contact@desertrose.us). Let us know what item(s) you are interested in, and in what quantity. We will let you know if we can fill your order and send you an invoice.
On this page you can find info about:
1. Conifer Tree Resin
2. Herbal Salves
3. Loose Leaf Tea Mixes (coming soon)

Conifer Tree Resin
Our resin is collected sustainably by hand, without wounding or tapping trees. We collect from a variety of tree species and always keep species separated, so you know exactly what species of resin you get.
We often have both hard resins and soft resins available. Hard resins are naturally cured, they are not pliable and will shatter when broken. Soft resins range from gooey to firm, but all are somewhat pliable and will not break or powder. You are welcome to inquire if you have any questions.
On Etsy, we sell resin by the ounce and pound.
Our 2024 resin prices are $3 per ounce / 28~ grams, which equates to $48 per pound. Fresh summer 2025 resin prices may vary, I won’t know until the time comes!

Ponderosa Pine (pinus ponderosa) – In Stock

Engelmann Spruce (picea engelmanii) – Out of Stock

Douglas Fir (pseudotsuga menzeisii) – Out of Stock

Lodgepole Pine (pinus contorta) – In Stock

Western Larch (larix occidentalis) – Out of Stock

Norwegian Spruce (picea abies) – Out of Stock

Herbal Salves
All of our herbal salves are made in small batches, using our own wildcrafted and homegrown dried herbs. We use premium olive oil for our herbal infusions, and suspend the infusions in beeswax from local private apiaries. Our recipes simple and effective, using medical-strength oil infusions in a 1:4 / wax:oil suspension that is shelf-stable and melts easily on the skin. Unless otherwise stated on a specific salve, we do not use essential oils in our salves.
We keep our own bees 100% treatment-free: this means no pesticides or other chemicals often used in bee keeping. We do not produce enough wax to cover all of our needs though, so we try to source extra wax as mindfully as possible. That said, 100% of the propolis we use does come from our own bees and is treatment-free!
All of our salves come in 0.5 fl. oz. / 14ml size, and 1 fl. oz. / 28ml. For most people, a half-ounce tin will last weeks or months, and a one-ounce tin will last months or years. Of course it all depends on what you need it for, but a little bit goes a long way!
Our 2024 salve prices are $5 per 0.5oz tin, and $10 per 1oz. tin.

Holy Basil

Pure Mint




Oregon Grape Root

Grand Fir

White Pine




St. John’s Wort




Rose Leaf

Stinging Nettle

Ponderosa Pine

Eastern Hemlock

Deep Wounds

